Friday, December 11, 2009

The Birth of the Author

I extend a warm and sincere welcome to all my prospective readers who've no doubt been redirected here due to extensive advertising. I am The Angry Homosexist or... well my true identity is neither significant nor relevant to the inception of this blog.

"The Angry Homosexist," the eponymous web-log, is my attempt to track the formation of myself as a political agent as well as to disseminate the ideas about the world and society as I become familiar with them. As you can probably tell from the name of this blog and the author, the tone hereafter will certainly not be one of blissful acceptance and satisfaction with the state of current global politics.

As you can probably also tell, the issues that I address will mainly focus on Queer politics, legislation that affects LGBT people and the transformation of sexual identities throughout this post-modern era in relation to the state.

I subscribe to a host of post-modern conceptions of the social that aim to reclaim that which was lost with the dawn of modernity and colonialism. I advocate for the empowerment, liberation and recognition of the oppressed and dehumanized. I'm a multiculturalist, feminist, anti-heterosexist, animal rights activist and environmentalist. Like Frederick Douglass said, "I would unite with anyone to do right, and with no one to do wrong."

The necessary disclaimer about my political orientation revolves around my distaste for the liberal agenda. Though, I am admittedly preparing to be an active participant in the dismantling of the hegemony of the capitalist, white-washed, androcentric, bourgeous, Western, fundamentalist Christian right, my political action contradicts my lack of faith in the system that I reluctantly intend to work within to negotiate the change I seek. I am an anarchist.

There will be plenty of time for me to expound upon the details of my current political orientation as well as the philosophical niche and social location from which I operate and speak. For now, I encourage everyone to hold tight and anticipate an intellectual rollercoaster and controversial narrative that surrounds a crucial point in history for people of every political party, socio-economic class, nation, religious background, race, sexual identity and gender.

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